Pen Dakwat Hitam


08/04/1990 and where are my presents?
Male. Malay. Johor Bahru
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Sunday, November 14, 2010 @ 3:14 PM

Sleeping week...

Yeah, minggu ni start stdy week. Adeh, tension tol la. Ak x ske snanye stdy week ni. Sbb nye, setiap kali stdy week mesti cuaca dy, sejuk, mendung, hujan cam nk x nk. Basically condition yg mmg promote tuk tido ar. Haish.

comel x ak time kecik2? hehe

2 feedbacks

Saturday, November 13, 2010 @ 2:24 PM

Got to love mother earth...

Pagi td mandi air terjun. Bgun kul 6, solat subuh. 6.30 gerak. Air terjun kt templer. Thanks Afdhal sbb organize event ni. Really need to cool off a bit (tp ter cool off byk, sbb air dy sejuk gileeeeee kot, haha) before the finals. Also thanks to those who came. Seronok ar lepak ngan korng sume. 

Next stop, jom climb broga hill lak! Ak dh lame mengidam. 

p/s: sori xde gamba. Katun x bwk dslr dy lak td. huhu =P

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Sunday, November 7, 2010 @ 12:48 AM

Lame di tinggalkan...

Hmmmm, lame ak x update blog. Ak pun x tau npe. Nk kate xde cite, hari2 ade je bende ak nk cite. Nk kate mls, ak lgi mls nk stdy. So ak x tau la snanye npe ak x update blog. Sori la kt spe2 yg slalu bukak blog ak tunggu ak update, tp x update2. 

Snanye semenjak 2 menjak ni jiwa sngt kacau. Mcm2 bende ak kene pk. Bg mmbr medic tau jela exam lgi 2 minggu je. But then, bende tu bkn yg wt ak x tenteram snanye. Ade byk. Tp ak x tau nk story cmne. It's one of those stories that cannot be told in writing. Owh how i wish i could hve someone to talk to. A therapist perhaps? Ak bkn dh x btol. Cuma ak nk brcakap kt seseorng. 

Hmmm, but then someone might ask, "ko xkn xde member kamcing tuk share story?". Haha, i used to have one. But even with that person i couldn't share just about everything. Satu bende negative psal ak, ak suke simpan masalah sorng2. Ak x ske cerita masalah ak, sbb ak x ske bebankn org len ngah masalah ak. Sbb tu ak lg suke diam dr bercakap bile ak ngah xde mood. 

Tp lately, otak ak mmg serabot gile2. I tried to act like everything is ok. But deep down i know that there are plenty of wrong and just a little bit of ok in me. Tgk, ak tulis pun dh x btol. Lantak ar. 

In spite of all this, ak still harap ak dpt setelkan sume bende ni. and this is where my friends come in the equation. Seyes ak ckp, u guys are one of the best thing that ever happen in my life. Hopefully our friendships remain till the day i stop walking on this planet we called earth. Ok, ak dh start merepek. Dh x tau nk tulis ape. Chow.

p/s: thanks piqa for pushing me to write again. hrp2 the next post won't be as depressing as this one.