Hmmmm, lame ak x update blog. Ak pun x tau npe. Nk kate xde cite, hari2 ade je bende ak nk cite. Nk kate mls, ak lgi mls nk stdy. So ak x tau la snanye npe ak x update blog. Sori la kt spe2 yg slalu bukak blog ak tunggu ak update, tp x update2.
Snanye semenjak 2 menjak ni jiwa sngt kacau. Mcm2 bende ak kene pk. Bg mmbr medic tau jela exam lgi 2 minggu je. But then, bende tu bkn yg wt ak x tenteram snanye. Ade byk. Tp ak x tau nk story cmne. It's one of those stories that cannot be told in writing. Owh how i wish i could hve someone to talk to. A therapist perhaps? Ak bkn dh x btol. Cuma ak nk brcakap kt seseorng.
Hmmm, but then someone might ask, "ko xkn xde member kamcing tuk share story?". Haha, i used to have one. But even with that person i couldn't share just about everything. Satu bende negative psal ak, ak suke simpan masalah sorng2. Ak x ske cerita masalah ak, sbb ak x ske bebankn org len ngah masalah ak. Sbb tu ak lg suke diam dr bercakap bile ak ngah xde mood.
Tp lately, otak ak mmg serabot gile2. I tried to act like everything is ok. But deep down i know that there are plenty of wrong and just a little bit of ok in me. Tgk, ak tulis pun dh x btol. Lantak ar.
In spite of all this, ak still harap ak dpt setelkan sume bende ni. and this is where my friends come in the equation. Seyes ak ckp, u guys are one of the best thing that ever happen in my life. Hopefully our friendships remain till the day i stop walking on this planet we called earth. Ok, ak dh start merepek. Dh x tau nk tulis ape. Chow.
p/s: thanks piqa for pushing me to write again. hrp2 the next post won't be as depressing as this one.