Pen Dakwat Hitam


08/04/1990 and where are my presents?
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Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 9:40 AM

It's almost over...

Argh!! The holidays are coming to an end. Why? Why? Why? Even though it was suppose to be a week, but it feels like juz a day. Huhu. There's so many things left I wanna do before the start of the term. Well, I guess there's nothing I can do 'bout it.

Huhu. Have you heard the latest singles from Akon called Right Now (Na Na Na)? Well, I sure hope you had. Bcoz I like dat song damn much. Huhu. I even put it as my ringtone now. Haha. Juz can't get enough of that catchy chorus. Huhu. Another song that keeps repeating in my playlist now is Love Story by Taylor Swift. I don't know why, but this song kinda reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago. Huhu.

Well, I sure don't get enough of movies. By saying that, I am proud to say that I've watched 2 great (box office I think) movies of the year. Inkheart and Underworld 3. Huhu. Both of them are really fun to watch. Especially underworld 3. But I may have to warn you though. For those who haven't had the chance to watch underworld 1 & 2, you might want to watch it first or you will be pretty damn clueless what is happening during the 3rd installment. This year is gonna be the year of the movies I guess. Coz, there's so many great movies coming out. First of all, I can't wait to watch Pink Panther 2, and then there's Terminator 4, and also the one that I have been waiting a whole year for, Harry Potter and The Half-blood Prince. Wohoo!! Finally, if they hold that movie another year, I swear that I'm gonna slaughter those damn people who's responsible for the hold up. Haha.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 11:15 AM

Disecting Time..!!

Haha, for those who are not really into this, juz close your eyes yea. Huhu, juz giving the heads up. Bcoz I think that not so many people will like what they gonna see.

As you can see, that is the picture of me holding a cute little white mice. Isn't it cute. Well not for long. Hahahahaha. (evil laugh) Hehe.

Now, let lay it on the disecting board. And don't forget to pin it down. Ouch!

After that, pinch a little bit of the skin at the abdomen, and start cutting the skin. Starting from the tail until the base of its throat. Huhu. Then, spread out the skin and pin it down so that we can see the inside of it.

Now, let's cut open the connective tissues that is protecting the organs. And voila! You can see the organs now. Fascinating isn't it?

Well, well, well. How about if we loosen up the intestine. Let see how long the intestine really is. As you can see, the intestine is fairly long.
Hurm, I think that's enough for now. The pictures after this are more disturbing I guess. Huhu. Em, let me show you again the picture of this cute little mice.
Aww.. How cute.. Sorry little guy..

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@ 11:04 AM

At last...

Fiuh. Akhirnye, stelah hmpir sbulan ak x post ape2. Been bz lately lor. Dgn kelas, p2 ade exm midsem lak. Adeh. Penat2. Tp, alhamdulillah aritu exm okla. Em, juz paper fzk yg last tu x bape konfiden sgt la. Haha, jwb ntah pape. Tp rsenye sume org pun camtu. Huhu, kesian. Well, neway, skang ni ak ngah cuti midsem. Wohoo! Tp nk abes dh. Argh. Kejap gle. Duk umah ni, x tau nk wat pe. Juz loafing around depan laptop ak memanjang. Haha.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Another year has passed by...

Huhu. Salam 1430H and hepi 2009. x sangka btol. cptnye mse berlalu. huhu. tau2 je dh tahun bru. em, slalunye org kate, klau dh msu tahun bru, kene la ade azam baru. Tapi ble ak pk2 blk, ak x pnah pun berazam ape2 ble msuk tahun bru ni. Juz go with da flow. Haha. Nk wat camne. Ak ni bkn jenis org yg ade satu plan je dlm kepala. Klu nk list down ape ak nk wat satu tahun 2, smpi ble2 pun x abes. Sbb 2 la ak x specify ape2 azam. Haha. So, skarang dh msuk tahun bru. Kat cni ak nk cte sket la ape yg berlaku spanjang tahun 2008 yg bru je berlalu ni.

First of all, tahun 2008 adalah tahun yg mmg len dari tahun2 sebelumnye. Sbb yg pertama, ak dh x payah nk daftar kt sk mse bln januari dlu. Huhu. Juz duk umah tanam anggur. Huhu. Ak ni mmg pemalas. Mntang2 dah abes spm, duk umah n jln2 ngan member je keje ak. Bdk2 len sibuk keje. Dlu ingtkn nk gak keje. Siap ade member ajk gi apply keje kt jusco. Tp ak x nk. Sbb nye nk menikmati cuti spuas2nye. Haha. Yela, bkn senang nk dpt cuti. Ble dh dpt cuti 6 bln tu, pe lagi. Enjoy la. Haha.

Then, sempat la jugak ak amek lesen kete. Huhu. Senang tol idup ble dah ade lesen ni. X yah lagi ak nk nek bas klu nk gi mne2. Tp, lagi best klu de kete sendiri. Huhu. "Mama, ble nk blikan adek kete?" Huhu.

Around bln 3(x ingt sgt ble) result spm lak kuar. Uih, punye la cuak nk amesk result. Mlm sblumnye x ley tdo langsung. Huhu. Ble dh dpt result, punye la hepi diriku ini. Haha. Alhamdulillah, ak dpt 12A. So, berbaloi la usaha ak slame ini. Member2 len pun result sume bgus2. Tumpang gembira la skali. X lma lpas tu, ak apply mara tuk amek medic luar negara. Pegi interview and pastu dpt la medic kt indon. Tp, ak tolak. Haha. Ak x mo study kt indon. Drpd gi indon, bek ak stdy ke mesia je. Kt cni pun dh rmi indon. Haha.

So, ak pun dftar la kt pasum. Sbnrnye mmg nk msuk pasum pun. Eh, lpe lak nk mention. Sblum msuk pasum, akk ak yg kedua naik pelamin. Huhu. Hepi btol la ak. Sbb, at last ak dpt abg ipar. Haha. Insya-Allah, dlm bln april 2009 ni ak dpt anak buah lak. Huhu. Ok, cte sal pasum blk. Em, overall stdy kt pasum ni is not a walk in the park. Syllabus kt cni susah. Kelas lak packed sgt2.
Start kul 8pg, abes 5 ptg. Huih. Tp, walaupun pnat, ak still enjoy stdy kt cni. Member2 bek2. Yg gerek2 pun de gak. Huhu. Skarang ni ak dh msuk sem 2. Insya-Allah bln 4 ni, ak abes pasum. And klu de rezeki, ak nk amek medic. Sbb family ak mmg mengharap sgt ak jdk doktor. Huhu. Doakan la ak dpt ye.

Rsenye tu jela yg ak nk cte. Sbnrnye xde idea kt kepala ni. Sbb tula lme x post. Huhu. Wait for my next post. Ak nk wat list pasal bende2 yg plg ak ske. Huhu.